Study on finding new biomarkers for early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are trend currently. Using sequencing assay we analyzed HBX gene of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 190 patients infected with HBV. HBX mutation is increasingly from asymptomatic chronic HBV carriers (ASY) to chronic B hepatitis (CHB) and highest in HCC group. Point mutation rate at C1653T in ASY, CHB and HCC is 2, 6 and 57.7 percent
at T1753C is 2, 8, and 25.5 percent
atA1762T is 26.52, and 82.2 percent
at G1764A is 28.56, and 86.6 percent and at C1766T is 2, 6 and 22.2 percent, respectively. These mutations are associated with the risk of developing NCC: C1653T' p 0. 0001, OR