Objetives: To describe clinical characteristics, X-rays and to evaluate the effectiveness of medication with calcium hydroxide in ice dental treatment of chronic inflammatory optic stalk. Subjects and methods: Prospective studies, Clinical description of 32 teeth diagnosed with chronic inflammatory optic stalk dental, medical treatment in dental treatment, Oral Hospital Central from February 2009 to Octobre 2010. Results: The reason for the visit is mainly a history of painful swelling up 71.9 percent. Decay caused by untreated teeth accounted for 59.4 percent. Position of the stem lesions on X-ray is the most common in the center with 50 percent. The diameter of lesions on the stem with X-rays before and after medication with calcium hydroxide in a month, two months and three months has changed significantly (p 0.05). After welding a root canal gets 100 percent good results. Conclusions: The drug temporarily with calcium hydroxide in the treatment of teeth around the stem of chronic inflammation help to repair, regenerate calcium deposits held and in the stem, which is inexpensive, easy to implement and deliver high performance in dental treatment.