Objectives: To investigate the situations and features of pityriasis rosea Gibert (PRG) at the National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology (NHDV). Material and Method: A cross-sectional study based on data of 3,728 patients with PRG who were examined and treated at the NHDV from 01/2007 to 12/2010. Results: For 4 years, there were 3,728 patients with PGR, accounting for 0.54 percent of patients with skin diseases. The pathology occured in both sexes (51.4 percent in women versus 48.6 percent in men
p 0.05), 51.7 percent of patients were from 10 to 29 years old, with 29.3 percent of patients from 20 to 29 years old. 41 percent of patients were students
16 percent of patients were housewives
16 percent of patients were administrators
and 1 percent of patients were the retired. The number of patients increased in autumn and winter. Conclusions: PRG accounted for 0.54 percent of skin diseases at NHDV. The pathology mainly affected young people from 10 to 29 years old, and most of them were students.