Three different methods of stimulation were used for induced breeding of stone fish. These are creating a water current by pumping, increasing and reducing water level combined with water changing, and, using hormone (using LHRHa with dose of 100 pg/kg female
50 pg /kg male plus 5 mg Dom/kg of fish for both male and female
or, HCG, with dose of 1000 UI/kg of female fish
or, common carp braip with dose of 5 mg/kg of female fish). Results showed that, 100 percent of fish had been injected with LHRHa and Dom bred, while fish had been stimulated by other methods did not breed. Results also showed that egg production of stone fish varied between 380,000 and 820,000 eggs/female, an average of 215,145 eggs/kg female. Eggs diameter average was 1.48 + or - 0.15 mm.