Phytic acid is a molecule composed of myo-inositol 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexakis dihydrogen phosphate (Ins P6), a major component in the source of phosphorus (P) reserves of about 50 plants - 80 percent of total seed phosphorus (Lott, 1984). At physiological pH in the form of phytic acid have negatively charged ions hold together the complex mineral nutrition creates indigestion. Moreover, phosphorus in the form of phytate or phytic humans and monogastric animals can not absorb, are all discharged polluted environment transitions. In rice OM819, OM4900, OM3536, D4 and D8 are irradiated with gamma rays at 5 degrees 10kr, 20, 30, 40 and 50kr to create mutant strains with low levels of phytic acid. Results in radiation levels may appear 10kr line grain phytic acid expression is low. At the level 20kr of radiation is three populations OM819, OM4900 and OM3536 with 8 lines for grain phytic acid expression is low. At 30kr extent, appeared seven lines with low nuclear expression of phytic acid 4 populations OM819, OM4900, OM3536 and D4. At the level 40kr of radiation thera are 4 populations appear only 5 lines expressed low phytic acid, with 3-line expression levels 3 and 2 lines with level 4 expression. At the level of radiation 50kr only one line appears at level 3 of phytic acid this is OM819 populations. For genotype analysis using marker RM 261 with 66.67 percent of the rice low phytic acid content of the expression analysis of biochemical polymorphisms.