Effect of green tea leaf (GTE) extraction conditions, including temperature, time and ratio of solvent/material and use of the GTE extract to inhibit melanosis fonnation of shrimp and prevention of lipid oxidation of fish meat was caried out. Results showed that optimal extraction condition to obtain crude extract with the highest antioxidative activity (based on DPPH radical scavenging capacity) as follow: Temperature 70oC, time 1-1.5 hours, ratio of material/solvent was 1/15 (w/v) or temperature 90oC, time 0.5 hours, ratio of material:solvent was 1:15 (w/v). Solvent used for both was water. Shrimp samples were treated with GTE retarted significantly melanosis fomlation compared to control sample during refrigerated storage at 5oC (p 0.05). Similarly, fish meat samples were treated with GTE suppressed significantly lipid oxidatIon compared to control sanlple during refrigerated storage at 5°C (p 0.05). Results obtained in this resf'arch indicated that potential of use green tea leaf extract in preservation of fisheries post-harvest.