Nopal is a valuable tree used in various fields. This article shall introduce research results on biochemical composition of 13 imported Nopal seeds which are gown in Ninh Thuan province. In this 13 Nopal seeds, internal protein content is 0.51-1.16g/100g of fresh, within that, TTV has the highest protein content of 1.19g. Lipid content ranges from 0.10 to 0.21 percent. TTV seed has the highest level of lipid content of 0.21 percent. Cellulose content ranges from 0.95 to 1.99 percent and TTV seed has the highest level of fiber content of 1.99 percent. The mineral content is relatively high: kalium takes 162-224 mg/100g of fresh sample
calcium ranges from 57-257 mg/100 g of fresh sample
magnesium takes 72-86 mg/100 g of fresh sample
phosphorus takes 3-14 mg/100 g of fresh sample, within that VCp owns the highest phosphorus content
natrium ranges from 2.11 to 6.24 mg/100g, within that, El, JP, IM seeds have higher content than remained seeds
iron takes 0.001-0.533 mg/100g
zinc takes 0.001-0.007 mg/100g
manganese takes 1.1-3 mg/100g. Vitamin C content varies from 6.23-10.98 mg/100g, within that Rj, AM, EL, TTV have higher content of vitamin C than remains. Contents of vitamin 81, 82, 86, A are relatively small and have no large differences