This experiment was carried out in 2011 Spring season to evaluate the effect of polymer-coated, slow-released nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of maize grown on Red River alluvial soil at Gia Lam, Hanoi. Four doses of slow-released fertilizer, viz. 150 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, 90 kg N/ha and 60 kg N/ha were used to compare with the conventional broacasting practice as control (150 kg N/ha). The results showed that doses of 90 - 150 kg N/ha of slow-released N fertilizer resulted in better growth and higher yield (yield increase by 4.8 -10.8 percent). It was suggested that for maize cultivar LVN4 90 kg of slow-released N formulation be applied for in spring season for highest yield and economic efficiency.