This study aims to investigate strengths and difficulties of the performance in compensation and land clearance process in Tien Hai district, Thai Binh province. The used methods are of data collection, survey, synthesis and comparison in order to evaluate the compensation and ground clearance of 3 key projects of this district. According to the findings, many related land owners generally agreeing that the compensation and ground clearance have been done on time and complying with the law of government. However, there are some limitations could be pointed out which are: the differences between document and reality in term of land measurement
the compensation usually be done by paying money, rarely by swapping land
the people who have been collected more than 30 percent total land use, received no additional assistance except compensation to resettlement
there was 12.6 percent of people lost land are unemployment. Proposed solutions for these problems are improving the capacity of institution in managing land, especially, in term of land registry
diversifying the compensation policies
building long-term aids and employment policies
building a guideline of using tools in compensating and assisting.