The foundry industry is potential in Vietnam with variuos products. However, working conditions in that area are high temperature, stuffy... Therefore, improving the working conditions, productivity and reducing the cost price are required in Vietnam. This paper presents the outline of robot's design and development in industry of foundry. The robots work as ladling the melting iron into the mould. The designed foundry robots is ideally suited for the demanding harsh environments of foundry applications. The robot can handle from 1 to 5 kg payloads. The robot is designed for high duty cycle applications, and deliver superior heat and allowing to automate more applications with a longer robot life and reduced maintenance needs. The ladle of the robots are allowed it to operate trouble free in harsh environments. The ladle units are coated with a corrosion resistant and high heat reffecting finish. This allows them to operate in environments up to 100°Ccontinuously and up to 180°C for short periods at a time.