Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and behavior about preventing Dengue hemorrhagic fever among residents at Cong An village, Hoang Van Thu commune
suggest suitable solutions to improve quality and effect of control for Dengue hemorrhagic fever. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research design with data collection methods were participants face to face interviews and community observing about behavior preventing DHF. A sample size is 106 households selected by systematic random sampling method. Results: Result of investigating households showed that there was 33 in 106 households had good basic knowledge about preventing DHF (31 percent). The rate of good behavior is very low (17.9 percent). Acording to result of checklist table about house hygiene and tools for containing water, the unsatisfactory rate of the households is very high. There was 96.2 percent of the households that had puddle around their houses and 90 percent of the household that did not use mosquito control measures. Conclusions: Most of the participants lacked knowledge about danger of DHF
characteristic of vector
symtoms of DF... Majority had unadequate behaviors about preventing DHF. Therefore, local government need to conduct various activities preventing DHF and/or combine the activities with other programs in the locality to residents joined.