Research on effect of air temperature. soil moisture and structure to the site where egg-mass laid and survival rate of eggs of grasshoppers Hieroglyphus tonkinensis was conducted in Hoa Binh province in 2010 and 2011. The results indicated that air temperature in 4 months in winter of 11 year (2000-2011) closely correlated with the overwinter time of eggs by an equation y = - 6.83x + 367.2 with r = 0.87. Survival rate of eggs of this grasshopper species clearly influenced by the soil environment. It was found that at different soil specific gravities of 1.562,1.701,1.548,1.459 and 1.347 g/cm3, the percentage of egg-masses found were 19.1, 6.53, 54.28, 17.96 and 2.04 percent, respectively. Survival rate of eggs was rather significantly affected by 1 time plugging used, which could reduced this rate up to 18.54 percent and 17.31 percent. Additionally, during the time of the development of embryo, the survival rate was strongly influenced by soil moisture. When the soil moisture was maintained at level under 40 percent of efficient moisture level caused 100 percent death of eggs, at 50-55 percent and above 85 percent also killed most of grasshopper eggs, at 87.83 and 95.1 percent respectively. At average moisture level (60-65 percent) and optimum moistrure level (70-75 percent) the rate of survival was very high and was 89.26 percent and 90.42 percent respectively.