With the aim of study about the real situation of Occupational Safety and Health and food Safety on ready-to eat food of producers, trade business in Thainguyen city, a cross- sectional study was carried out. The results showed that: - The rate of good health of producers and trade business is 93.62 percent
Suffer from diseases is 37.59 percent. - The good KAP about Occupational Safety and Health of producers and trade business is 47 percent - 69 percent. - The good KAP about Food Safety on ready-to eat food of producers and trade business is 44 percent - 67 percent. - There is relationship between Occupational Safety and Health with Food Safety of producers, trade business on ready-to eat food. There are significant differences between 2 groups (pO,05). The authors recommended that: the more researches about Occupational Safety and Health and Food Safety of producers, trade business must be carried. The authors have proposed Occupational Safety and Health and Food Safety programm for producers, trade business by health education.