This study to determine the effects of different harvesting interval (30, 45, 60 and 75 days/harvest) to productivity, yield and chemical composition of Brachiaria brizantha 6387 grass in two years after planting. The results showed that: when raising the harvest interval from 30 to 75 days, the average productivity/1 harvest in 2 years increased from 69.13 quintal/ha/year to 217.30 quintal/ha/batch, the YI~ld of fresh grass increased from 67.75 to 86.06 tons/ha/year
Dry matter (DM) yield increased from 11.65 tons/ha/years to 23.72 tons/ha/year
corresponding protein yield decreased from 1.51 tons/ha/year to 1.16 tons/ha/year. When raising the harvest interval, the DM and fiber increased, but decreased the protein, lipit and total minerals of grass. Based on the yield and chemical composition of Brachiaria brizantha 6387 grass, two harvest interval of 45 and 60 day/harvest is reasonable.