377 patients with colorectal cancer were operated by laparoscopic surgery from 06/2008 to 06/2012 at K Hospital for evaluating and analyzing the causes of complications of colorectal laparoscopic surgery. A mean of age is 56.7 (20-80). Male 46 percent
female 54 percent
conversion rate of 3.9 percent. 12 (3,1 percent) cases of complications: 2 (0,5 percent) cases with urinary complication, 2 (0,5 percent) cases with bleeding, 3 (0,85 percent) cases of postoperative small bowel obstruction, 4 (1 percent) cases of infection woold
1 (0,25 percent) case of anastomosis fistula. Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer in K Hospital has a low complication rate 3,1 percent and no death rate.