Mining and transforming minerals in Ha Thuong village of Dai Tu district of Thai Nguyen provine have polluted land and water serious, special asenic pollution. In this paper, authors present a primary reseach about Asenic pollution in environment effecting on human health of Ha Thuong village. The research was implemented in period from 6/2011 to 6/2012. The primitive results about the effect on human healthy in Ha Thuong village indicate that the rate of diseases involving in Asenic pollution are higher than the rate of common deaseases such as: sore throat (50 percent), depression (44.42 percent)
stomachache (38.07 percent), cardiovascular disease (41.39 percent), nervous breakdown (38.58 percent)
high blood pressure (35.03 percent)
hairless 36.55 percent
corlour changes on the skin (29.95 percent)
lung and liver cancer (20.81 percent) and black nail (32.49 percent).