Reciprocal translocation is a structure mutation of chromosomes, whom carry the chromosome reciprocal translocation is usually normal, but may be unusual for the next generation. so the early detection of fetuses with chromosome translocation will help genetic counseling in order to give birth to healthy children. Objectives: To assess the value of prenatal screening tests for the detection of fetal chromosome translocation: explore the relationship between chromosomal abnormalities of fetuses with their parents. Subjects:15 fetuses with chromosome reciprocal translocation and 2 fetuses with chromosome no reciprocal translocation of 4,014 fetuses were analyzed chromosomes from 2006 to 2012. Results: 11/17 chromosome translocation with only cell line (7 reciprocal translocations, 2 no reciprocal translocations , 2 reciprocal translocations and trisomy 21), in wich 9 fetal chromosomal abnormalities from their parents. 6/17 fetuses chromosome mosaics (1 cell line reciprocal translocation and one normal cell line) did not find abnormal chromosomes from their parents. Of 6 fetetes carry chromosomal reciprocal translocation, 5 fetuses maternal serum were screened there are 4 fetuses results in high-risk groups. 1/11 fetus with double chromosome reciprocal translocations result aternal serum screening and fetus ultrasound in low-risk groups. 2/11 fetuses chromosomal translocation is not mutual abnormal fetus ultrasound and maternal serum screening. 6/17 fetuses with chromosome translocation mosaics detected by screening maternal serum are in high-risk group.