Puberphonia is a voice disorder which results from the persistence of the adolescent voice after puberty with no associated structural diseases of the larynx. There have been a limited number of publications on the condition in Vietnam. This study investigated clinical characteristics and outcome of treatment of puberphonia at the National Ear Nose Throat Hospital. Thirty-eight male patients were examined and treated during the period between 9/2009 and 312012. All of the patients underwent voice evaluation, laryngoscopy and voice therapy. Main voice characteristics were falsetto, decreased pitch and intensity range, asthenia, vocal fatigue, pitch shifts, and breathiness. Laryngoscopy showed thin vocal folds, anteroposterior constriction, and incomplete glottal closure. Neck symptom included elevated larynx during phonation. Voice therapy had positive outcome with 97.4 percent returning to nonnal voice. Average treatment course was 2.1 sessions of 45 minutes. A 3-6-month follow-up after treatment of a number of patients found no recurrence of a high pitched voice.