The study was to describe clinical, paraclinical characteristics in patients suffering from pneumonia and chronic alcoholism. The results indicated that 47.4 percent of patients used alcohol over 20 years
61.7 percent of patients used alcohol over 500 ml/day. Clinicals: alcohol withdrawal syndrome (65.9 percent), dyspnea (73.2 percent), cough (53.7 percent), chest pain (48.8 percent), fever (92.7 percent), convulsions 7.3 percent. Paraclinical: WBC average was 15.02 + or - 22.01 (G/I), AST avarage was 194.03 + or - 343.66 (U/L - 37°), 61.5 percent of patients had increased serum CK level. Klebsiella pneumoniae was found in 33.3 percent of patients. In conclusions, pneumonia in patients with alcoholism were more severe and more complications, escpecially hepatic than usual.