In 2005, the Vietnam intitute of Archaeology rind the provincial Museum of Tuyen Quang conducted an excavation at Phia Vai Cave, Coc Ngan Hamlet, Xuan Tan commune, Na Hang District (Tuyen Quang). Apart from hundreds of chopper-chopping tools, flakes and burial belongs to the Hoa Binh Culture (10.000BP). From the initial study of the Hoa Binh Cultural grave, including posture of the corpse, skull, sex, age, human race and burial custom.... The author judges that: This is female skeleton, abouth 45 - 50 years old and 1,5m high. The size of the Phia Vai skull is similar to the ancient skull Hang Cho (Vietnam), Liu Cheng {China)... and completely different from the modern skull (Japan, Vietnam) and the ancient skulls from Man Bac, Dong Xa (Vietnam), Ban Chieng (Thais Lan), La Bac loan (China). There was the find of a skull with 2 Cypreas in the two eyeholes. At Phia Vai, the corpse buried intackly with two Cowries shells was first found in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.