This study was to find out clinical features and Computerized tomography (CT) Scan images of 20 cases with otogenic brain abscess in National Ear Nose Throat hospital between the years 2005-2011. The results indicated that there were 17 males and 3 females. The most common age range of patients was from 16 to 24 years. Most of patiens came from countryside. All patients had a history use antibiotic before hospitalized. Clinical features of otogenic brain abscess were not clear and not full of symptoms (80 percent) had symptoms of an eaxacerbation of chronic otitis media but not clear, 30 percent had infectious syndrome, 3 patients had typical elevated intra cranial pressure syndrome. Headache was only sign with intra cranial pressure syndrom in 17 patients.CT scan imaging were shown: 20 patients of whom 17 had a cerebral abscess and 3 a cerebellar abscess in CT scan imaging. Stage 3 of abscess progression were the most common (70 percent) stage of abscess progression. The rate of right diagnosis were 90 percent. In conclusion, combine clicnical features with CT can bring the most safe method in the diagnosis of brain. abscess, by which it is possible to localyze the abscess, to plan the operation and follow-up the success of treatment.