Studying the clinical, paraclinical characteristics, chest film images of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) in 63 patients in Intensive Care Unit of Hospital No.103 from 01/2009 to 12/2011, the authors have some the following conclusions: Fever is 84.12 percent, bronchial pur fluids: 65.08 percent, rales: 71.43 percent, Peripheral blood leukocytes increased 10 G/L: 79.37 percent, the highest on day 3th after VAP
Pa02/Fi02 ratio decreased markedly and 250 in all patients. Diffuse infiltrates on both fields, right side are more than left side (17.46 percent vs 11.11 percent)
atelectasis: 19.04 percent, pleural effusion: 79.6 percent.