Objectives: To describe the clinical, laboratory features and outcome of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment in children with severe hand-foot-mounth disease (HFMD) at Hue Central Hospital. Method: 80 cases with hand-foot-mounth disease from grade 2b who received IVIG. Prospective study, from 12/2011 to 12/2012. Results and conclusions: Severe HFMD cases were mainly in children under 3 years old, predominantly in masculine gender. The common clinical features were myoclonic, febrile, papulovesicular rash/maculopapular and herpangina. Laboratory abnormalities included a raised white cell count
CSF shown the acute aseptic meningitis syndrome. Severe symtoms usually improved and halted at 40 hours after administered IVIG.