Objectives: Describe and evaluate the clinical characteristics, imaging diagnosis and results of surgical treatment of Megaureter due to terminal stenosis. Material and method: Patients suffering from Megaureter due to terminal stenosis of ureter were treated in Viet Duc Hospital from January 2007 to October 2011. Prospective- retrospective, descriptive study. Results: There are 75 patients (29 male and 46 female patients) with 77 cases of ureterostenosis have been underwent the surgery at Viet Duc Hospital. The average age is 25
the smallest age is 10 days old
the highest age is 76. 34 patients with 35 ureterocele, 40 patients with 41 ureterocele
01 patient with both ureterocele and ureterostenosis in the same side. Waist sore is the most common symptom in 51 patients (accounting for 68 percent). Ultrasound detects 100 percent ureterostenosis and 86.1 percent ureterocele. Taking Urographie Intra Veineuse to detect 72 percent ureterocele, 35.7 percent ureterostenosis. CT detects 93.8 percent ureterocele, 53.3 percent ureterostenosis. Good surgical result is 91.49 percent. Conclusion: Ultrasound, intraveinous Urography, CT have high diagnostic values. Ureteroceles were incised by endoscopy through the urethra
ureterostenosis were corrected by Lich-Gregoire's method for adults and Cohen' method for children.