A total 137 patients Differentiated thyroid cancer were surgery completion thyroidectomy, 24 men (17.5 percent) and 113 women (82.5 percent). Age men with a mean is 42.2 + or - 14.4 and women is 39.2 + or - 12.5, The patient at the 21- 60 year old were the most frequent (90.5 percent). The arising symptoms were appearance of tumor (100 percent), patients were one tumor (73 percent), patients were tumor in the lobe (78.8 percent). Size of tumor 1-4cm was 84.7 percent. Tumor solid was 88.3 percent
mobil tumor was 73.0 percent
surround of tumor clear was 92.0 percent. Metastases to cervical nodes was 48.9 percent. The node unilateral with tumor was 92.5 percent. The node bilateral with tumor was 7.5 percent. Mobil of tumor was 94.1 percent
node soft was 64.2 percent
node solid was 35.8 percent. Papillary carcinoma 81 percent, Follicular carcinoma 19 percent. Whole-body scan postoperative: result excilent was