Targets: Evaluate the implementation and outcomes of the project "Prevention of malnourished children" in Kon Tum province from 2006 to 2008
and describes the knowledge and practice of mothers with children under 5 years of age about malnourished children. Method: The cross-sectional study combine with quantitive and qualitative approach was caried out. The secondary data was also collected in this research, X3 test, OR and descriptive statistics was used. Results: Implementation process and results: Organizational structure, supervision and reporting was taken under permision and rule of MOH
Human Resources were still limited both quantity and quality
Budget for prevenion of malnourished children increased every years
activities of the project met the health care needs of people. Knowledge of prevention of malnourished children: The propotion of mothers who have the right knowledge on how and when the babies had first feeding after birth is 82.4 percent
88.8 percent of mothers have the right knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Rate of mothers who can list groups of 4 main type of food is 78.0 percent. Practice of prevention of malnourished children: 80.0 percent of mothers feed the baby in the right way
99.1 percent of mothers followed the child's weight