Studying left ventricular diastolic morphography and function by echocardiography to 160 patiens with typ 2 diabetes mellitus, in 80 hypertensive patiens, the result: - Groups type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypertension have ratio LV hypertrophy 40.52 percent higher groups type 2 diabetes mellitus without hypertension, p0.05
- LV systolic dysfunction in typ 2 diabetes mellitus with hypertension 7.5 percent, groups typ 2 diabetes mellitus without hypertension 3.8 percent
- LV diastolic dysfunction patiens in type 2diabetes mellitus with hypertension 78.75 percent, without hypertension 71.25 percent, in clued 46.25 percent stage 1.35 percent stage 2, higher groups type 2 diabetes mellitus without hypertension p0.05.