Supra-cricoid partial laryngectomy with crico-hyo-epiglotto-plasty is a new technic of near total laryngectomy to remove totally tumor but can preserve the main functions of larynx include respiration, phonation and deglutition. Ojective The evaluations of the respiration, swallowing and complications of opration. Materials and methods: Case study of 39 patients operateds at Hospital ENT central in 2004-2006. Results and discussions: The woman 2.6 percent, Age 35- 76 yeas ago. The recidives is 2.56 percent of locals, 5.13 percent of nodals. The survie- months (Kaplan-Meier) is 84.2 percent, 57.07 months (no desease medecals) , 39.66 (with desease medecals), 52.399 (T1-2), 55.72 (no lesions at the recuf) , 46.55 (recuf positive), 40.58 (lesions advanced), p 0.05 (Log rank test). Conclusion: The survie- months (Kaplan-Meier) is 84.2 percent.