Sam Son beach in Thanh Hoa province is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam attracting millions of tourists each year. A customer survey consisting of 57 evaluation criteria using Likert scale was used to interview 83 tourists to measure their satisfaction in five main groups of services at .Sam Son beach and to propose key measures to Improve the customers' satisfaction. Result analysis showed that the quality of the main groups of services at Sam Son beach is acceptable. Only 27.69 percent of the inteviewed tourists satisfied with services at the beach with the average satisfaction index of 3.05. The beach did not really satisfy high-income tourists. The availability of the current services is only sufficient to meet the needs of low income tourists and local customers. It is necessary to take measures to improve the tourists' satisfaction such as promoting investment in infrastructure and facilities for tourism development, timely correcting defects in service delivery, enhancing professional qualification for service staff, etc.