Coastal erosion phenomenon has been common occurrence from Mong Cai to Ha Tien in that many of the banks are seriously eroded. From 1991 to 2005, many authors survey and research in the form of projects and scientific research (Nguyen bieu, Dao Manh Tien, Tran Nghi, Mai Trong Nhuan, Nguyen Van Cu, Pham Huy Tien ) on coastal erosion with different contents of erosion caused by endogenous and exogenous processes, forecasting trends and proposed mitigation measures. However, the results of the project and the subject have not only been the representative system of coastal sites, our rule changes under the impact of the modern sea level rise. Coastline of Vietnam can be divided into five typical sites: 1) Balance Coast: Gulf Coast in Quang Ninh province, west coast beach from Ca Mau to Rach Gia
2) Strong accretion Coastline: the mouth of the Red River and the Mekong River
3) Beach erosion strong type Estuary: Bach Dang estuary and mouth of the Dong Nai River
4) Coast strong erosion on the sandy beach in Central Vietnam
5) Beach erosion locally intermingled with two strong accretion delta of the Red River and Mekong such as Hai Hau and Ho Tau. The contents of this report the authors want to emphasize the effect of the rising sea level to the process of erosion of some typical water bodies such as estuaries river mouths (Bach Dang River, Dong Nai), the soil local erosion as Ho Tau coastline at the mouth of the Mekong and Nam Dinh coastline of the mouth of the Red River due to shortage of the local area. Particularly central Vietnam coast erosion process occurs mainly on sand derived from the recommended sand coastal, estuarine sediment deficit. The solution proposed to cope with the process of coastal erosion as sea dike construction, overhead bridge over the low-lying areas should be based on scenario forecasts the rise of sea level 0.5m and 1m. Sea level in the future can not rise more than 1 meter forecast because it is short-cycle fluctuations in marine degradation after marine transgression Flandrian cycle maximum 6000-5000 years ago.