Nghia Hung is a coastal district of Nam Dinh province, with total natural area is 25,444.06 ha and agricultural area is 16,664.87 ha. The land of Nghia Hung is very suitable for rice, cash crop cultivation, and aquaculture. The ratio of suitable land area at S1 level of common LUTs: 2 rice (I), special rice (II),2 rice-1 cash crop (III), 1 rice - 2 cash crop (IV), cash crop (V) , 1 rice - 1 fresh water aquaculture (VI), 1 rice - 1 brackish water aquaculture (VII), fresh water aquaculture (VIII), brackish water aquaculture (IX), and salt water aquaculture (X) to the total land area is 45.35 percent, 47.75 percent, 39.34 percent, 15.77 percent, 5.01 percent, 47.85 percent, 37.10 percent, 52.77 percent, 35.09 percent, and 4.72 percent respectively. The effect of common agricultural LUTs of Nghia Hung district for economic effect: Typical LUTs having high economic effect are: X, IX, V. LUTs having low economic effect are: I, II, VI For social effect: Beside ensure food security, fanners in Nghia Hung also produce rice for trading and serving livestocks. Labours in agricultural, silvicultural and aquacultural sectors account for 66.64 percent of total labours of the district. Income from agricultural and aquacultural production account for 70 percent of total household income. Environmental effect: LUTs I, II, III, and IV is sustainable in. environmental aspect LUTs IX, X have signs of water pollution.