Objectives: To acess the status quo of collecting and classifying medical solid trash at Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital, Hai Phong city in 2012. Material and method: Slide description. Medical solid trash: scale the weight of all the daily trash of the hospital 3 times a week, in 10 months
Collecting, moving and storing medical trash appliances at Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital from 6/2011-10/2012. Result and discustion: The weight of trash: infectious trash/day is 80.3kg/day (4.05 percent amount of trash arising)
infectious trash/patient's bed/day is 0.08kg/patient's bed/day
normal trash/patient's bed/day is 1.67kg (89.94 percent). Standards: Collect barrel, transports, color code, symbols, bags, plastic boxes to contain sharp objects: percentage of total points eamed/ total points codes is 15/23 points (71.43 percent). The classifying medical solid trash at room: percentage of total points eamed/ total points codes is 11/12 points (91.7 percent). The collecting medical solid trash: percentage of total points eamed/total points codes is 5.5/6 points (91.7 percent). Conclussion: The medical solid trash was collected and classified according to the decision No.43/2007/QfJ-BYT,date 30/11/2007 of the Department of Health, percentage of total points eamed/total points codes ~ 92 percent.