Recent years, the number of universities in Vietnam has increased quickly. The number of 69 universities in 1999 has gone up to 204 universities at the time being. Moreover, the number of high-school pupils per age has fallen nom 1.5 million in 1999 to 0.9 million at the moment. These inversed fluctuations between the number of universities and the number of high school students lead to an extreme competition among universities in order to attract more learners. Therefore, many researches on the advanced topics of competitiveness between universities have been carried out. Most of these researches considered the universities as businesses, and the students as customers. From that point, these authors use the model of customer satisfastion in the survey and improve the perceived value and satisfaction of students which is to enhance universities' competiveness. However, this application lacks the theoretical basis due to the differences between educational environment and business environment. This article will focus on strengthening the theoretical basis for constructing student satisfaction scale, as well as its application in practice at Thai Nguyen University of Technology.