The laryngeal benign tumors of infantile are polyp, nodule, cyts and papilloma, its causes are V.A. laryngite, and larynx reflex. Ojective: The description on histopathologic and comparison with clinical of laryngeal benign tumors of infantil. Materials and Methods: Case study of 50 patients of laryngeal benign tumors of infantil, operateds at Hospital ENT Central (2011-2012). Diagnostic clinical, endoscopic, histopathologic. Results and discussions: The histopathological characteristic of the benign tumors of infantile larynx are hypersquamoecells, fibrous, lymphophilles with difftrente degrees. It is not damages of the basal membrane. The re are 96 percent of correspond to clinical and endoscopic and histopathologie. Conclusion: There is not difftrently of the clinic and histopathologic.