The cultural and economic geographic theory has been widely used for over the past hundred of years. This theory considered the role of geographic, climate conditions in the formation of social economic at any region, ethnic. Ha Giang is a northern border province of Vietnam, with its especial important strategic location. The province borders 274 km to China in the north. Ha Giang territorial area is not very large, but with complex terrain divisions and quite dangerous. This type of topography results in a territorial division of three sub-regions with different natural conditions, social and economic differences. Therefore, the local ethnic culture in Ha Giang is shown a significant distinction accordingly to three sub-regions. Settling from generations to generations on the land of Ha Giang is a community of 22 ethnic groups with unique cultural values. In the course of history, they have made themselves rich treasure of knowledge, diversity, adaptability in natural skills in production activities, in the areas of community communication, creating a region of very unique culture.