Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of BG Sentinel trap and glue trap in capturing Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in urban areas of Hanoi. Methods: 20 BG Sentinel traps and 20 glue traps were placed inside and outside of 10 households of Thinh Liet, Hoang Mai district, Hanoi in July 2009. The traps were collected and placed in 7 consecutive days. Results: Both types of traps gave good results in which BG Sentinel traps were better in capturing Aedes mosquitos. Particularly, the efficiency of BG Sentinel traps to Aedes aegypti were 5.2 times higher than glue traps and this was shown on the majority of households and on each day of collecting traps. Conclusions: Both types of traps were effective in capturing Aedes mosquitoes. The application of new methods to collect mosquitoes instead of less effective traditional methods is neccessary.