The control effect of the solution concentration of soaked MiUetia ichthyochtona seed was the highest at the ratio of 1:0, then follwed by 1:1, 1:5, 1:10 respectively. The lowest concentration was at the ratio of 1:15. The highest effect of eliminating aphids was 0.01 percent Padan 95 SP, followed by 0.1 percent detergent and 0.1 percent alcoholthe lowest effect. The solution of soaked MiUetia ichthyochtona seed blended with 0.1 percent detergent at the ratio of 1:10 has strong and quick effect, reached at 44.26 percent after 1 day treating and 86.9 percent after 3 days treating. The cabbage got the highest yield when treated with soaked Milletia ichthyochtona seed blended with 0.1 percent detergent (37.34 - 42.74 tons/ha), followed by a treatment of 0.1 percent detergent (12.51 - 14.91 tons/ha)
the lowest yield was the treatment with natural water (10.77 - 12.4 tons/ha). The cabbage yields was highest in main season (12.4 - 42.74 tons/ha)
those were lower in late season (11.45 - 39.29 tons/ha) and the lowest yield was found in early season (10.77 - 37.34 tons/ha). Method of using the soaked Milletia ichthyochtona seed blended with 0.1 percent detergent has strong and quick effect on eradicating cabbage aphids equivalent to some popular chemical insecticides in Vietnam. On the other hands, farmers can actively use this method to eliminate cabbage aphids to protect their crops without chemical residue, environmental pollution as well as protect the human health.