The study in the reducing in postprandial glycemia of Co Sua tea (Euphorbia hirta L) in 15 type 2 diabetic patients was carried out in Ha Long, Quang Ninh. There are 2 days to do the experiments: the first day, patients were given 150 ml of water with eating the meal (250 kcal)
then the second day (after the first day is 7 days), all these 15 patients were given 150 ml of Co Sua tea (30g dried Co Sua/patient) and eating the same meal. The blood glucose levels were determined at initial time and at 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after eating the meal. Resulting, increase ofthe postprandial blood glucose level of subjects on the Co Sua day was significantly lower than that of the water control day. Significant differences of blood glucose increrments at 15 min and 30 min was established between the Co Sua day and the control day (8.94 so vs. 10.63 mmol/L. at 15 min
p0.001). There was a light difference on the blood glucose IAVCs between each meal with and without Co Sua (496,6 vs. 586,7 mmol/