Tissue culture allows the rapid clonal propagation of large number of plantlets in a short period and the conservation germplasm under control condition requiring reduced space and labor. Shoot organogenesis is an important step in plant micropropagation. Undefined supplements were employed in tissue culture media in order to improved shooting ability of Cat tuong's axillary bud such as coconut water, tomato, banana, potato and Spiruliana extracts. Nodes with axillary bud were cultured in MS medium with 6.5 g/l agar, 20 g/l saccharose, 0.1 mg/l NAA and 1 - 5 mg/l BA. The best medium for shoot organogenesis was MS medium with 0.1 mg/l NAA and 2 mg/l BA (3.17 shoots per node after two weeks). Coconut water (20 percent v/v) and potato extracts (200 g/l) promoted shooting but not in shoot elongation. Extracts from tomato didn't promote shooting and banana extracts reduced shooting ability of Cat tuong's nodes. In medium with banana, the new shoots were short (with very short internodes), and leaves were small. However, extracts from Spirulina (6 g/l) (extraction by ultrasound wave in 6 minutes) stimulated shooting of axillary buds (5.5 shoots per node). Shoots were long and healthy.