The penetration of wind generation effects on the power network stability causes a lot of attention for current time. The existence of wind generator makes some modification of traditional power flow problem. This affects on the initial conditions of stability problem. The distribution network is open loop (by design or by operation). When fault is cut out, the buses in network may be not connected (directly or indirectly). This makes the traditional numerical calculation for the power system stability ineffective. This paper will introduce the approach for calculating the stability of distribution network with distributed generation (DG), in particular doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), integrated with the modified power flow problem. In this approach, the modeling of DFIG's controllers and the treatment of isolated sections of the original power network due to fault cut out will be considered. The proposed program allows examining all the factors that will affect on the stability of network such as the fault clearing time, the fault location, auto-recloser.