Nosocomial infection is a new problem in Vietnam. It was very difficult to identify exactly it's cost which is verry big including money, healthy and dead of the patients. The authors study the nosocomial fact in all hospitals in Khanh Hoa province, the result shows: The rate of nosocomial in the hospitals is: - Provicial Hosspital: 11.6 percent. - Khanh Son District Hospital: 13.9 percent, - Cam Ranh District Hospital: 15.9 percent, - Khanh Vinh District Hospital: 16.5 percent, - Van Ninh District Hospital: 17.4 percent, - Dien Khanh District Hospital: 18.4 percent. Total: 13.4 percent. The most frequently causal bacteries are: Staphylococcus aureus 26,1 percent
Proteus spp 12 percent
Escherichia coli 11,9 percent
Enterobacter spp 11,7 percent
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 8,9 percent
Citrobacter spp 6,9 percent
Staphylococcus epidermidis 5,6 percent
Klebsiella spp 5 percent. The rate of nosocomial infection in the hospitals in the second time is highter than in the first time, but this has no statistical significance.