The program for management of outpatient patients with type 2 diabetes plays an important role in improving the glycemic control. The management for elderly patients, however, hasn't been assessed in recent years. Objective of the study (1) was to describe the situation of controlling glycemic and its risk factors of outpatients over 60 years with type 2 diabetes
and (2) To identify some factors influencing glycemic control in the National Hospital of Geriatric in 2011. The results showed that these data indicated that 66.7 percent patients had good glycemic control with HbA1C 6.5 percent
only 6.8 percent patients had poor glycemic control with HbA1C 7.5 percent. Additionally, those who had cholesterol and triglyceride at good level were 58.6 percent and 26.4 percent, respectively. Only 21.2 percent patients had blood pressure 130/80mmHa. however. Better glycemic control level was observed in patients who complied strictly with the therapy regimen than those who didn't with significant difference (p 0.001). The longer duration of disease was the worse glycemic control level (p 0.05). In conclusion, almost elderly outpatients had good and acceptable glycemic control level. The cholesterol control was better than triglyceride control observed in these patients. Only a small number of patients had a good blood pressure control. Related factors that influence glycemic control are the compliance of therapy regimen and duration of suffering from the disease.