The aim of the present study is to examine the effect of examination stress on cardiovascular and endocrine of Medical University students. In this study, cardiovascular indicators were measured on 150 Vietnamese students in regular training classes from the first year (Yl) to the fifth year (Y5) of general medical doctor in Thai Binh Medical University. In addition, blood of 30 students was taken twice in the duration from 8 am to 10 am, at one month before the examination day (control condition) and immediately after the examination (stress condition) to measure cortisol and catecholamine. Results of the study showed that mathematical analysis of heart rhythm statistical indicators demonstrated the strain of functional cardiovascular system with evidences of heart rate increase, standard devition of 100 RR time decrease, stress index increase. Moreover, the proportion of the first and third year students having functional stress of autonomatic nervous system was significantly increased (p0.05). The third year students were severely stressful in both stress and control condition
however, indicators of the fourth year students indicated no significant difference. Heart rate and diastolic blood pressure of both male and female students increased (p0.05) after the examination
particularly, systolic blood pressure of female students is significantly increased (p0.05) in comparison with control condition. After the examination, cortisol and catecholamine level of both male and female students are increased in comparison with control condition (p0.05). Among them, cortisol level of male students in both control condition and stress condition are higher than those of female students but catecholamine level of female students after the examination is higher than that of male students.