Background: Hypoglycemia is a common complication in patients with diabetes, it can cause an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (coronary heart desease located, myocardial infarction, etc.), and can cause severe brain damage and sequelae of brain death.In Endocrinology Dept. of Viet-Tiep Hospital, the number of patients hospitalized for hypoglycemia, including severe hypoglycemia increased. To learning more about the complications of hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes, the authors studied this subject with two objectives. Methods: In a cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012, 38 patients hostitalized for hypoglecemia from 2011-2012 were collected by satisfaition theses creterias as follow: 1/ Patient had been diagnosed with diabetes and treated by antihyperglycemic and or Insulin
2/ Triage of Whipple: a- Clinical symptoms
b- Glycemia inferior 4mm/l
c- These symptoms disappeared after treatment.Blood glucose was calculated on fasting . capillary blood
Demographic, occupation, diet, glycemic control, HbA1c... were recorded. Results: Patients aged or = 70 was 68,4 percent
patients with severe hypoglycemia was on top with 68,4 percent
the mean capillary blood glucose was 2,1 + or - 0,86
the mean HbA1c was 7,1 + or - 2,01
hypoglycemia caused by poor diet was 55,3 percent
caused by overdose was 26,3 percent, hypoglycemia caused by antihyperglycemics in patients who had been missdiagnosed with diabetes was 13,2 percent. Patients who did not monitor their blood glucose monthly at home was 76,3 percent and there was 26,3 percent patients who had been controlled their glycemia monthly at hospital. Patients who did not recognize symptoms of hypoglycemia was 65,8 percent. Conclusion: Severe hypoglycemia was 68,4 percent
coma was the most frequent symptom with 52,6 percent
causes of hypoglycemia were: poor diet, overdose and missdiagnosis
related factors were: bad quality of the blood glucose control and of the education for diabetes patients and acute diseases.