The study on the bird species nested in birdcolony Dong Xuyen was carried out on April, May and July 2010, on June, September and November 2011, on February and March 2012. The Dong Xuyen birdcolony belonging to Dong Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province. It's location: 105° 57' 52"E -105° 58' 04"E
21° 13' 16"- 21° 13' 22" N, about 30 Km far from Hanoi Capital in the North-East It's area: 5 hecta. A total of 71 bird species belonging to 30 families, 9 orders were recorded in colony. Among them, 41 species are recident. 29 species are migration and 1 species is the recident together migration. Special, there are 4 species nested, they are: Little Egret Egretta garzetta, Chinese pond Heron Ardeola bacchus, Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis, Black-crowned Nigh Heron Nycticorax nycticorax. Six plant species were used for nesting by four waterbird species. All four bird species nested on the bamboo trees Babusa spinosa (Occupy 100 percent of total nested species), only one species nested on the trees lisea cubeba (Occupy 25 percent of total nested species). Their breeding season in colony were happened from March to October, concentrated on June, July and August There are some ecological elements effected to the colony, such as the bamboo trees on surrounding banks of Dinh lake were died. The wetland's areas are feeding areas of nesting bird species are narrowing up in Dong Tien commune and surrounding communities. Some recommendations were gave, such as to plant added trees on the surrounding banks of Dinh lake, to limitted the tourist in breeding season, to limitted in lowest level of pesticide were used in agriculture of surrounding wetland areas.