Research antigens and phenotype of Rh blood group system for O blood group donors are are necessary to build red cells panel and blood transfusion for Thalassemie patients and patients receiving blood many times. Subjects: "Research the frequency of antigens and phenotyping of Rh system for some O blood group donors at the Thai Nguyen hematology and blood transfusion centre." Methods: 205 blood group O donors, research Methodology: Description, cross-sectional. Using technology to identify antigens D, C, c, e of the Rh system in gelcard . Research results: the rate of antigens D, C, c, e of 205 Rh in group O blood donors, namely: antigen D: 100 percent C: 96.1 percent
c: 41 percent, E: 30.7 percent
e: 98 percent
The common phenotypes of the Rh system: DCCee (R1R1) is 57.07 percent
DccEe: 25.37 percent
Dccee: 11.7 percent
DccEE phenotypes (R2R2) is relatively rare, having only 1.95 percent. Conclusion: Antigen D, C, e met with a high rate in group O blood donors at blood transfusion centers in Thai Nguyen with the order is: 100 percent, 96.1 percent and 98 percent. The most common phenotype of the Rh system found in group O blood donors are: DCCee: 57.07 percent, antigens D, C having a rate of 100 percent in the Tay, Dao, Muong and Nung ethnic groups.