Detennination ABO blood group is critical in human blood transfutions and organ transplantations. ABO blood group was determined using ftesh sample or preserved whole blood via standard laboratory methods. The antigen or antibody is bound to a solid carrier, such as glass or plastic test tubes, glass or plastic beads, glass or plastic plates, etc., and the liquid containing the antibody or antigen to be identified is added. The trend of using "ready to use" kit in diagnosis is increasing. In order to make convenience to users, the authors study to make ABO blood grouping cards. The test principle is a hemagglutination test for the detection of the corresponding red cell antigens with dried antibody coated on membrane. Among various membranes, cellulose film membrane is suitable sheet for bearing the dried test sera. The card with surface layer consisting of a film cellulose was very well adapted for the purpose, showing the highest sensitivity, convenience and acceptable price. Sera used on card are standardized and have high sensitivity. Each reaction field was coated with 50ul specific monoclonal antibody. Before application to the sheet, the sera are mixed in unifonn propotions with our substances, which control the osmotic pressure. In identifying ABO blood typing, the card achieved a sensitivity of 97.2 percent and a specificity of 100 percent. Thesedisposable cards are accuracy, convenience, safety, reliable, easy to use and inexpensive.