Study on all patients with diagnosis as tetanus at National Hospital of Pediatric from 2003 to 2012. Results: there were 23 patients who were diagnosed tetanus. This disease was sporadic and appeared at almost East Northern and North middle provinces. 91.3 percent patients had wounds. The most common wounds were puncture wounds (56.5 percent), the most common site of wounds was lower limbs (62.5 percent). 87 percent patients had incubation period longer than 7 days, 69.6 percent patients had period of onset over 48 hours. Almost of patients had trismus (91.3 percent), dysphagia (91.3 percent), muscle rigidity (95.7 percent) and muscle spasms (86.96 percent). Most of patients had no fever on admission (53.17). Treatment was usually long (31.57:1:18.99 days), rate of complications was high (34.8 percent). Rate of death and withdrawal from treatment was 8.7 percent.