Through the studying of 178 cases of psoriasis, the authors showed that: Common age was working age 20-59 (82,6 percent). The ratio of men per women was 2,7: 1. Most of patients was blue workers and farmers (66,3 percent). 37,6 percent of patients get other diseases, among this the respiratory disease is dominant with 15,7 percent. 7,9 percent of patient has family history in which the parents 5,1 percent, the grad parents 1,1 percent, blood sister brother 1,1 percent and son daughter 0,6 percent. Psoriasis vulgaris standed at 71,3 percent, severe cases 28,7 percent. Psoriasis in activity state standed at 84,3 percent. The patients was under influence of medicaments that make the psoriasis more severe standed at 57,8 percent. Among this corticoid 33,7 percent, traditional drug 15,7 percent.