The authors has investigated on the status of aflatoxin infection in some agricultural products and processing by-products. The results showed that: 79.41 percent researched samples were infected aflatoxin B1, 58.82 percent samples were infected aflatoxin B2, 35.29 percent samples were infected aflatoxin B2 and no sample of aflatoxin G2. Whereas 32.53 percent infected samples was corn seed, 14.71 percent was rice samples
20.58 percent belonged to soybean meal samples and 20.58 percent was rice bran. There were 18 samples that exceeded the permission standards of the Ministry of Health from 2.53 to 21.10 times (accounted for 66.67 percent) in total of 27 aflatoxin infected samples
this number was 45 percent from 1.06 to 1.92 times with Aflatoxin B2. Treating aflatoxin by sorbic acid had 6,21 percent higher efficiency than wet steaming in high pressure whereas the content of aflatoxin B1 was reduced 94.39 percent,93.51 percent aflatoxin B2 and 94.95 percent aflatoxin G. Treating by wet steaming in high pressure reduced aflatoxin B1 content of 90.89 percent, 84.10 percent aflatoxin B2 and 89.21 percent of aflatoxin G1.